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Hey devs,
We are trying to use the API to change the owners of several files. The call to change file ownership requires a user account ID, which we need to obtain.
Unfortunately the only method we can see get this info is Users_GetAllUsers, which returns a list of every user on the system. We can then filter down by username or email address.
This is hella inefficient, and kind of a pain to work with. I was wondering if there was a better way to grab the info. (Something along the lines of Users_GetUserIdFromEmail or Users_GetUserIdFromUsername, or even just a query for users.)
I'm afraid that at present there isn't really a better way: when you call Core.ImpersonateUser you can supply user lookup details, and you could extract the user ID from the returned hash - however this probably isn't an improvement overall, since this involves creating and then disposing of a session each time. The response from Users.GetAllUsers should be fairly cacheable, and so the most pragmatic short-term route might be to use this.
I will have a look at exposing the user lookup via the API, we may be able to make that available as it does seem like a reasonable thing to want to do.
As of IMS v6.1.8-8, a new method Users.FindUser() is available, and allows you to look up the ID of a user based on their username or e-mail address (or, where relevant, their LDAP user principal or sAMAccountName).
Wow! I'm floored by how fast that was. Thank you!