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I'm trying to do an IS PRESENT () search to get all records which have a title thus :
But I get an 'udefined property' when I try to get outParams->files
The query works in the ThirdLight user interface.
have a look at the "result" hash returned in outParams. All being well, this will be a hash that looks like {api: "OK", action: "OK"}. If either of these are not "OK", they should indicate what the issue is, for example "action" might be "SEARCH_QUERY_FIELD_CONDITION_INVALID" if the field or condition provided are not valid.
If you do find an issue, call "Search.getSearchConfiguration" to get a list of fields and their respective conditions.
I suspect that the issue may be with the fieldId you have provided, so I would look at that first.
If you are unsuccessful, posting the full result of the query you are attempting here would be useful to help us debug it further!
Pages: 1